姓 名:吴爱中
职 称:副教授
男,汉族,工学博士。2013年至2018年任职于上海市特种设备监督检验技术研究院,从事高速电梯及轨道交通站台门的检测技术研发工作。2018年12月进入上海工程技术大学6165cc金沙总站车辆工程系任教,承担的课程有《城市轨道交通车辆制动技术》、《液压与气动》、《城市轨道交通设备安全技术》等。主要研究兴趣包括:轮轨接触、弓网摩擦、电梯制动器及安全钳的高速摩擦问题等。近年来主持完成国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项,主持完成国家质检总局项目1项,参与完成上海市质监局项目1项;在《Tribology International》等国际期刊上发表外文论文9篇,在《机械工程学报》等国内期刊上发表中文论文多篇。
[1] Aizhong Wu, Zhinan Zhang, Xi Shi, Chengliang Liu. Modeling the role of interfacial adhesion in the rolling resistance of a hyperelastic wheel [J]. Tribology International, 2023, 185(4): 108494-1.
[2] 闭永雷, 吴爱中*, 翁琳, 地铁车辆弓网静态电接触的多场耦合模型及温升分析[J], 机车电传动, 2023, 1(1): 138-143.
[3] 吴爱中, 闭永雷, 曾骁晹, 城市轨道交通站台门抗冲击性能的研究[J], 城市轨道交通研究, 2022, 6(6): 70-75.
[4] Aizhong Wu, Lin Weng, Dingyu Hu, Aihua Liao, Micromechanical modelling for the damage accumulation and adhesive wear of metallic materials containing inclusions [J], ASME Journal of Tribology, 2021, 143(1): 011702-1.
[5] Aizhong Wu, Xi Shi, Lin Weng, Dingyu Hu, Thermo-mechanical modeling and transient analysis of frictional braking of elevator safety gear [J], Journal of Thermal Stresses, 2020, 43(12): 1467–1486.
[6] 吴爱中, 钱洪, 符栋良, 球-平板微动接触的弹塑性安定和磨损行为[J], 机械工程学报, 2015, 51(5): 105-113.
[7] Xi Shi, Aizhong Wu, Shaoxing Qu, Thermomechanical modeling and transient analysis of sliding contacts between an elastic-plastic asperity and a rigid isothermal flat [J], Tribology International, 2015, 81: 53-60.
[8] Aizhong Wu, Xi Shi, An Atomic Interaction-based Adhesive Contact Model for Shallow Nanoindentation and Nanoscratch [J], Journal of adhesion science and Technology, 2013, 27: 1840-1851.
[9] Aizhong Wu, Xi Shi, Numerical Investigation of Adhesive Wear and Static Friction Based on the Ductile Fracture of Junction [J], ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2013, 80: 041032-1.
[10] Xi Shi, Aizhong Wu, Shaoxing Qu, Effects of Load Configuration on Partial Slip Contact between an Elastic-plastic Sphere and a Rigid Flat [J], Tribology International, 2013, 61: 120-128.
[11] Aizhong Wu, Xi Shi, Andreas A Polycarpou, An Elastic-plastic Spherical Contact Model under Combined Normal and Tangential Loading [J], ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2012, 79: 051001-1.