姓 名:汪磊
职 称:教授
通讯地址:上海市松江区龙腾路333号 6165cc金沙总站
1. 2024年入选全国高校“双带头人”教师党支部书记“强国行”专项行动
2. 2023年入选上海东方英才计划(青年)
3. 2023年获中国公路学会科技进步二等奖(7/10)
4. 2022年获中冶集团科技进步二等奖(7/10)
5. 2021年获上海工程技术大学教学成果二等奖(2/10)
6. 2015、2021、2022、2023年上海地铁奖教金
7. 国家奖学金、上海市优秀毕业生、优秀硕士论文 指导老师(杨语尧2019、沈思东2022、张立婷2022、周彤2023、李超2023)
在 研
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,非饱和土复合地基固结理论构建及其解析模型研究,2022-2025,在研,主持;
2. 横向项目,松江南站枢纽工程施工关键技术研究,2023-2024,在研,主持。
3. 横向项目,特大断面公路隧道施工工法智能决策及信息化平台研发,2023-2025,在研,主持。
4. 横向项目,特大断面公路隧道快速施工与智能优化关键技术研究,2023-2025,在研,主持。
5. 横向项目,漳浦县文体中心体育场钢结构卸载过程施工监测,2023-2024,在研,主持。
6. 横向项目,大型体育场屋盖钢结构卸载施工关键技术研究,2023-2024,在研,主持。
7. 横向项目,膨胀土生态防护技术研究,2022-2023,在研,主持;
8. 横向项目,复合材料检测设备运动控制系统研发,2022-2023,在研,主持。
结 题
9. 横向项目,轨道交通岔枕截面静载抗裂强度和疲劳强度检测,2023,结题,主持。
13.上海工程技术大学青年科研团队培育计划项目,轨道交通智能运维青年创新团队,2021.06-2024.05, 结题,主持;
17.中国博士后基金项目面上资助(一等),2018M640389, 考虑砂井涂抹作用的轴对称非饱和土地基固结特性研究,2019.01-2020.12,结题,主持;
1. 2015年,规范:上海地标《城市轨道交通试运营安全评价标准》,参编
2. 2016年,教材:《城市轨道交通系统概论》,参编
3. 2024年,专著:《非饱和土固结解析理论》,主编
4. 2024年,专著:《膨胀土边坡工程学》,参编
5. 2024年,规范:CECS《公路膨胀土路基边坡土工编织袋植物护坡技术规程》,参编
6. 2024年,规范:CECS《公路膨胀土边坡微型桩加固技术规程》,参编
7. 2025年,规范:CECS《土钉锚杆复合支护技术规程》,主编
8. 2025年,规范:长三角区域标准《市域铁路运营技术标准》,参编
1. Jia Wenqi, Wang Lei #, Li jie, Chen Yang, Li Tianyi, Huang Jinkun. On-site clay mud modification for bored piles in a multi-layer soft ground, Construction and Building Materials 449(25) (2024) 138251. (中科院一区)
2. Yu Xiaoxue, Wang Lei#, Xu Yongfu, Huang Jinkun, Zhang Hongri. Consolidation of unsaturated composite foundation reinforced by t-shaped deep cement mixing piles. Computers and Geotechnics 175 (2024) 106656. (中科院一区)
3. Li Tianyi, Sun De’an, Chen Zheng, Wang Lei. Semi-analytical solution for two-dimensional contaminant transport through composite liner with strip defects. Construction and Building Materials 440 (2024) 137404. (中科院一区)
4. Li Tianyi, Sun De’an, Chen Zheng, Chen Yang, Fu Xianlei, Wang Lei. Two-dimensional migration characteristics of contaminant through composite liner with arbitrarily distributed defects. Computers and Geotechnics 174 (2024) 106652. (中科院一区)
5. Zhou Tong, Yan Xilin, Wang Lei#, Zhou Annan, Sun Dean. Semi-analytical solution for one-dimensional consolidation of a two-layered unsaturated-saturated soil system ground with a horizontal drainage layer, Computers and Geotechnics 169 (2024) 106196.(中科院一区)
6. Zhu Jiasheng, Saberian Mohammad, Li Jie, Wang Lei, Maqsood Tariq. Turning crisis into opportunity: A comprehensive review on the application of personal protective equipment (PPE) waste in asphalt pavement construction for sustainable development. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 211(2024) 107857. (中科院一区)
7. Li Chao, Wang Lei#, Sun De'an, Chen Yang. An ensemble framework-based approach for modeling stability of expansive soil slopes: fusion of machine learning algorithms and protection structure disease data. Environmental science and pollution research international 31(16) (2024) 24375-24397. (EI)
8. Li Chao, Wang Lei#, Li jie, Chen yang. Application of multi-algorithm ensemble methods in high-dimensional and small-sample data of geotechnical engineering: A case study of swelling pressure of expansive soils, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 16(5) (2024) 1896-1917. (中科院一区)
9. Li Chao, Wang Lei#, Chen Yang. A comprehensive health diagnosis method for expansive soil slope protection engineering based on supervised and unsupervised learning. Georisk 18(1) (2024) 138-158. (中科院三区)
10. Chen Yang, Xu Yongfu, Wang Lei, Li Tianyi. Study on the relationship between matric suction, unconfined compressive strength, and uniaxial tensile strength for compacted expansive soils. Environmental Earth Sciences 83(6) (2024) 165. (中科院四区)
11. Tang Zhijun, Wang Lei#, Zhou Annan, Sun Dean, Li jie. Semi-analytical solutions for the consolidation of unsaturated composite ground with floating permeable columns under equal strain condition, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 48(1) (2024) 154-183. (中科院二区)
12. Zheng Xinjiang, Wang Lei, Yang Aiwu, Xu Yongfu. Semi-analytical solution for a simplified 1D chemo-hydro-mechanical model in fluid-saturated viscoelastic clay. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 47(8) (2023) 1442-1456. (中科院二区)
13. Zhang Hongri, Wang Lei#, Zhang Liting, Li Tianyi. Semi-analytical solutions to equal-strain consolidation of unsaturated composite ground with granular columns considering well resistance and smear effect. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 16(6) (2023) 10. (中科院四区)
14. Wang Lei#, Shen Sidong, Li Tianyi, Wen Minjie, Zhou Annan. Two-dimensional plane strain consolidation of unsaturated soils considering the depth-dependent stress, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 15(6) (2023) 1603-1614. (中科院一区)
15. Zhou Tong, Wang Lei#, Li Tianyi, Wen Minjie, Zhou Annan. Semi-analytical solutions to the one-dimensional consolidation for double-layered unsaturated ground with a horizontal drainage layer, Transportation Geotechnics 38 (2023) 100909. (中科院二区)
16. 李天义, 孙德安, 傅贤雷, 陈征,汪磊,杜延军.考虑时变污染源与土工膜破损的污染物二维迁移特性[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2023,1-8.
17. 陈洋,汪磊,李天义.基于堆栈泛化的膨胀土抗拉强度预测模型[J].徐州工程学院学报(自然科学版),2023,38(04):47-57.
18. 李晋鹏,汪磊,徐永福,等.浅层膨胀土抗压和抗剪强度的特性试验及其关系[J].中南大学学报(自然科学版),2023,54(05):1875-1884.
19. 李超,汪磊,陈洋,等.基于贝叶斯集成学习算法的土体先期固结压力预测模型[J].地球科学,2023,48(05):1780-1792.
20. Chen Yang, Wang Lei#, Shen Sidong, Li Tianyi, Xu Yongfu. One-dimensional consolidation for multilayered unsaturated ground under multistage depth-dependent stress, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 46(15) (2022) 2849-2867. (中科院二区)
21. Zhang Hongri , Yang Jiming , Wang Lei, Xu Yongfu. Model test on the dynamic characteristics of crack formation in expansive soil slopes under alternate drying and wetting.Acta Geotechnica 18(4) (2023) 2097-2115. (中科院二区)
22. Li Linzhong, Qin Aifang, Wang Lei, Jiang Lianghua. Application of Carrillo's method in unsaturated soil consolidation. Géotechnique 74(11) (2022) 1056-1066. (中科院一区)
23. Li Linzhong, Qin Aifang, Jiang Lianghua, Wang Lei. One-dimensional consolidation of unsaturated–saturated soil system considering pervious or impervious drainage condition induced by time-dependent loading. Computers and Geotechnics 152(5) (2022)105053. (中科院一区)
24. Chang Jin, Xu Yongfu, Xiao Jie, Wang Lei, Jiang Jianqing. Water–soil chemical mechanism and soil structural stability of expansive soil under the action of acid rain infiltration. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 81(10) (2022) 438. (中科院三区)
25. Zheng Xinjiang, Li Xiaoyue, Xu Yongfu, Wang Lei. Influence of coupling effect in the chemo-hydro-mechanical consolidation of saturated soil layer.International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 46(13) (2022) 2446-2460.(中科院二区)
26. Cheng Yan, Xu Yongfu, Wang Long, Wang Lei#. Stability of expansive soil slopes reinforced with anchor cables based on rotational-translational mechanisms. Computers and Geotechnics 146(13) (2022) 104747.(中科院一区)
27. Zhou Tong, Li Tianyi, Wang Lei, Wen Minjie, Chen Yang. Analytical solution for the consolidation of unsaturated vertical drain foundation under depth-dependent initial conditions.International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 46(14) (2022) 2754-2769.(中科院二区)
28. Chen Yang, Xu Yongfu, Bakak Jamhiri, Wang Lei#, Li Tianyi, Prediction uniaxial tensile strength of expansive soil with ensemble learning methods. Computers and Geotechnics 150 (2022)104904.(中科院一区)
29. Chen Yang, Wang Lei#, Shen Sidong, Li Tianyi. One-dimensional consolidation for multilayered unsaturated ground under multistage depth-dependent stress.International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics46(15) (2022)2849-2867.(中科院二区)
30. Shen Sidong, Wang Lei#, Zhou Annan, Xu Yongfu, Xia Xiaohe. One-dimensional consolidation for unsaturated soils under depth-dependent stress induced by multi-stage load. International Journal of Geomechanics (2022) 4022141.(中科院二区)
31. Wang Lei, Zhou Annan, Xu Yongfu, Xia Xiaohe. Consolidation of partially saturated ground improved by impervious column inclusion: Governing equations and semi-analytical solutions. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 14(3) (2022) 837-850. (中科院一区)
32. 李林忠, 李培超, 汪磊, 等. 存在定流量汇项的分数阶导数黏弹性饱和土体一维固结解析[J]. 应用力学学报, 2022, 36(5): 1026-1033.
33. 李晋鹏,汪磊,王俊,等.考虑抗剪强度衰减特性的膨胀土边坡稳定性分析[J].中国地质灾害与防治学报,2022,33(06):29-36.
34. 闫冰,陈清扬,张世雷,汪磊#,何越磊.富水红砂岩地层隧道联络通道冻结温度场分布规律及其敏感性分析[J].中国安全生产科学技术,2022,18(09):41-48.
35. 张世雷,汪磊#,何越磊,李晋鹏,李博.复合地层联络通道冻结温度场发展规律研究[J].地下空间与工程学报,2022,18(S1):266-273.
36. 汪磊,张立婷,沈思东,徐永福,夏小和.分段循环荷载作用下非饱和土轴对称固结特性研究[J].岩土力学,2022,43(S1):203-212.
37. 汪磊,谢彦初,孙德安,张磊,刘传新,徐永福.基于GS-SVM的膨胀土边坡防护工程健康预测模型[J].中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 53(01): 250-257.
38. 谢彦初,汪磊#,孙德安,张磊,刘传新,徐永福.基于组合赋权和聚类方法的膨胀土边坡防护工程健康诊断模型与应用[J].中南大学学报(自然科学版),2022,53(01):258-268.
39. 张世雷,汪磊#,何越磊,李晋鹏,李博.考虑热力管线影响的地铁联络通道冻结温度场分布[J].铁道建筑,2021,61(11):74-77+99.
40. Shen Sidong, Wang Lei#, Zhou Annan, Xu Yongfu, Xia Xiaohe. Two-dimensional plane strain consolidation for unsaturated soils with a strip-shaped distributed permeable boundary. Computers and Geotechnics 137(2021) 104273. (中科院一区)
41. Zhang Liting,Wang Lei#, Zhou Annan, Xu Yongfu, Xia Xiaoh. Semi-analytical solutions to the consolidation of unsaturated composite ground enforced by stone columns under equal strain condition considering smear effect. Transportation Geotechnics 37(2021) 100644. (中科院二区)
42. Wang Lei, Zhou Annan, Xu Yongfu, Xia Xiaohe. One-dimensional consolidation of unsaturated soils considering self-weight: Semi-analytical solutions. Soils and Foundations 61(6) (2021) 1543-1554. (中科院二区)
43. Xue Yao, Sun De’an, Wang Lei, Xu Yongfu. A double-layered model for near-field temperature in a nuclear waste repository. Progress in Nuclear Energy 133(2021) 103646. (中科院二区)
44. Jin Pan, Xue Yao, Chen Bo, Sun De’an, Wang Lei. An analytical solution of temperature near nuclear waste canister under three-dimensional heat transfer condition. Progress in Nuclear Energy (2021) 104051. (中科院三区)
45. 孙鹏飞,汪磊.加载条件下不同埋深原水管道受力特征模型试验[J].中国安全生产科学技术,2021,17(06):91-97.
46. Zheng Xinjiang, Wang Lei, Xu Yongfu. Analytical solutions of 1-D chemo-hydro-mechanical coupled model of saturated soil considering osmotic efficiency. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 45(17) (2021) 2522-2540. (中科院二区)
47. Xue Yao, Sun De’an, Wang Lei. An analytical solution of temperature in a nuclear waste repository. Annals of Nuclear Energy 163 (2021) 108535. (中科院三区)
48. Wang Lei, Zhou Annan, Xu Yongfu, Xia Xiaohe. Consolidation of unsaturated composite ground reinforced by permeable columns. Computers and Geotechnics 125(2020) 103706. (中科院一区)
49. Wang Lei, Xu Yongfu, Xia Xiaohe, Li Linzhong, He Yuelei. A Series of Semi-analytical Solutions of One-Dimensional Consolidation in Unsaturated Soils. International Journal of Geomechanics 20(6) (2020) 06020005. (中科院二区)
50. Wang Lei, Xu Yongfu, Xia Xiaohe, Zhou Annan. Semi-analytical solutions to the two-dimensional plane strain consolidation for unsaturated soil with the lateral semi-permeable drainage boundary under time-dependent loading. Computers and Geotechnics 124 (2020) 103562. (中科院一区)
51. 张添,汪磊,沈思东.分段循环荷载作用下二维非饱和土固结特性分析[J].工程地质学报,2022,30(04):1010-1018.
52. Wang Lei, Xu Yongfu, Xia Xiaohe, et al. Semi-analytical solutions to two-dimensional plane strain consolidation for unsaturated soils under time-dependent loading. Computers and Geotechnics 109(2019) 144-165. (中科院一区)
53. Wang Lei, Xu Yongfu, Xia Xiaohe, He Yuelei, Li Tianyi. Semi-analytical solutions of two-dimensional plane strain consolidation in unsaturated soils subjected to the lateral semi-permeable drainage boundary. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 43(17) (2019) 2628-2651. (中科院二区)
54. Yang Yuyao, Hong Chengyu, Zamir Ahmed Abro, Wang Lei, Zhang Yifan. A new Fiber Bragg Grating sensor based circumferential strain sensor fabricated using 3D printing method. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 295(2019) 663-670. (中科院三区)
55. Li Linzhong, Li Peichao, Wang Lei. Analysis of one-dimensional consolidation behavior of saturated soils subject to an inner sink by using fractional kelvin-voigt viscoelastic model. Journal of Porous Media 22(12) (2019)1539-1552. (中科院四区)
56. 孙鹏飞,汪磊,吴奇峰,周骏,施亮.考虑非均匀地基原水管道受力特征模型试验研究[J]. 中国安全生产科学技术. 2019(12): 59-65.
57. 吴奇峰,汪磊,孙鹏飞,周骏,施亮.加载条件下多尺寸原水管道受力特征模型试验[J]. 中国安全生产科学技术. 2019(10): 57-62.
58. 吴奇峰,汪磊,周骏,施亮.加载条件下原水管道受力特征模型试验研究[J].中国安全生产科学技术,2019,15(04):174-179.
59. Wang Lei, Xu Yongfu, Xia Xiaohe, Sun De'an. Semi-analytical solutions to two-dimensional plane strain consolidation for unsaturated soil. Computers and Geotechnics 101(2018) 100-113. (中科院一区)
60. Wang Lei, Sun Dean, Qin Aifang. A semi-analytical solution to one dimensional consolidation for unsaturated soils with exponentially time-growing drainage boundary conditions. International Journal of Geomechanics 18(2) (2018) 04017144. (中科院二区)
61. 汪磊, 李林忠, 徐永福, 夏小和, 孙德安. 半透水边界下分数阶黏弹性饱和土一维固结特性分析[J]. 岩土力学, 2018, 39(11): 4142-4148.
62. 汪磊,刘陕南,赵育林,肖晓春,李磊.大直径泥水盾构同步注浆量变化及浆液分布规律分析[J].铁道标准设计,2018,62(09):104-108.
63. 李林忠,汪磊,李培超,等.任意荷载下双面半透水边界分数阶导数黏弹性饱和土层一维固结[J]. 工程地质学报, 2018, 26(6): 1480-1489
64. Wang Lei, Sun De’an, Li Peichao, Xie Yi. Semi-analytical solution for one-dimensional consolidation of fractional order viscoelastic saturated soils. Computers and Geotechnics 83(2017) 30–39. (中科院一区)
65. Wang Lei, Sun De’an, Qin Aifang. General semi-analytical solutions to one-dimensional consolidation for unsaturated soils. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English edition) 38(6) (2017) 831-850.
66. Wang Lei, Sun De’an, Li Linzhong, Li Peichao, Xu Yongfu. Semi-analytical solutions to one-dimensional consolidation for unsaturated soils with symmetric semi-permeable drainage boundary. Computers and Geotechnics 89 (2017) 71-80. (中科院一区)
67. Wang Lei, Sun De’an, Xu Yongfu. Semi-analytical solutions to one-dimensional consolidation for unsaturated soils with semi-permeable drainage boundary. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English edition) 38(10) (2017) 1439-1458.
68. Wang Lei, Sun De’an, Qin Aifang, Xu Yongfu. Semi-analytical solution to one-dimensional consolidation for unsaturated soils with semi-permeable drainage boundary under time-dependent loading. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 41(16) (2017) 1636-1655. (中科院二区)
69. 熊斌, 汪磊, 孙德安, 施亮. 冬季低温条件下原水输水管道应力分析[J]. 水电能源科学. 2016(07):112-115.
70. 汪磊, 孙德安, 解益, 李培超. 任意荷载下分数阶导数黏弹性饱和土体一维固结[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2017, 39(10): 1823-1831.
71. 汪磊, 李涛. 基于宾汉姆流体的海底隧道穿越裂隙岩体注浆扩散半径计算[J]. 铁道标准设计, 2013 (06): 96-100.
72. 汪磊, 李涛. 基于牛顿流体的海底隧道穿越裂隙岩体注浆扩散半径计算[J]. 土工基础, 2012,(05): 51-53.
73. 汪磊, 李涛, 王全胜. 海底隧道预注浆加固效果检查与评价[J]. 铁道标准设计, 2010,(12): 83-88.
74. 汪磊, 李涛. 海底隧道穿越断层破碎带预注浆加固稳定性分析[J]. 郑州大学学报(工学版), 2010,(06): 73-77.
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